Let`s get personal:

I'm Sophie, a holistic brand & website designer and business strategist.

A Projector in Human Design, I live for a raw milk matcha latte and a barefoot hike near a lake. I have a dog named Cashew and my dream is to own a house in Italy where I grow my own food & raise my family.

Let`s team up!

After pursuing the 9-5 career path, I decided it was time for a change.

I worked as a freelance business consultant for Olympic coaches, wellness companies, boutique cafes and international universities. It was not until I discovered website design that everything clicked. It allows me to geek out about the business (I love a good competitor landscape and business analysis!) and at the same time pour all my creative juices into my projects.

from the corporate ladder to creative freedom

Sophie is the founder of Hom Atélier, a deep thinking business strategist who doesn't separate logic from intuition. Sophie seamlessly blends business strategy with psychology and spirituality in her process. The result? A truly one of a kind branding and website!

my official bio

Website design gives me the perfect balance between structure and flow

I enjoy creating something for my clients that actually makes them feel seen as an entrepreneur AND helps their business. Because I'm still equal parts business consultant and  creative geek, who LOVES to go deep into personality types (both for humans and business!)

Let`s work together!


sun sign

3/5 Projector

human design

Organic food

Always splurge on

Raw milk latte

drink of choice

my world at a glance

Harry Potter

favorite book


I'm all about

Living with




doing your


helping you create your 

dream website.

I'll pass, thanks

Not so much about



mindless small talk,

cold coffee,

copy & paste solutions.

know your values

Don't be impressed by money, power, looks, title, network.
Be impressed by character, kindness, generosity, humility & passion.